Buy Maui Wowie Sativa Dominant Hybrid Marijuana Strain From Bulk Buddy’s Curated Premium Online Dispensary Canada.
Maui Wowie strain is a Sativa Dominant Hybrid weed, sometimes called Maui Waui, is a mostly Sativa hybrid that was considered a top-of-the-line strain when it first appeared in the 1960s. The argument, ‘pot wasn’t as potent back then’ generally refers to a time before Maui Waui was developed.
In case there was any question, the Maui Waui strain is said to have originated in Hawaii and maintained over the years through selective breeding techniques. Before long, select travellers brought some Maui Waui strain seeds back to the continental US and its popularity continued to grow.
Of course, a batch of the Maui Wowie strain found in California or Colorado will be much different than a batch you would find in Hawaii. Not only is the amount of sunlight much different, but volcanic soil is sure to play a major role in plant production.
Maui Wowie cannabis strain was one of the first strains with greatly increased THC content. In the 60s, when Maui Waui was bred, the THC content of an average marijuana strain was relatively low (almost always under 8%). Maui Waui featured THC content well into the teens and quickly became one of the most desired strains.
These days, it is considered to be a middle to high-grade medication that provides a typical Sativa high with a few Indica perks. Other strains (along with new hybrids) have caught up and even surpassed this legendary strain in THC content.
The original king of Sativa-dominant hybrids, Maui Wowie strain, is a tropical bud with a legendary status in the cannabis world. Cannaseurs will likely have heard of this fruity bud famed for its pineapple flavour and energizing and uplifting effects.
Frequent users of Maui Wowie marijuana strain report a happy and energetic high that can also increase creativity. It provides a light and pleasant body-numbing sensation as well as a strong case of the stereotypical ‘munchies.’ Users may expect dry eyes and mouth and possible paranoia. Some also encounter dizziness and headaches when consuming larger doses of edibles.
The Sativa effects of this strain can relieve stress, anxiety, and chronic depression. Maui Wowie cannabis strain’s Indica side may be useful for easing minor chronic aches and pains. It also stimulates appetite in those with anorexia and other eating disorders. Some users also use Maui Waui as medication for chronic migraines.
Maui Wowie strain originated as an outdoor grow on the island of Maui and almost immediately spread to all the Hawaiian Islands. Unfortunately, the strain’s exact genetics are not known. The plants of this strain show their true heritage in their height, usually reaching around 175 centimetres. Outside, Maui Waui should only be grown in a tropical climate. When grown in a tropical climate, Maui Waui is fairly resistant to moulds and mildew as well as disease.
Sean (verified owner) –
Pretty, nice tight dense buds. Will order again
Zack (verified owner) –
Brent N. (verified owner) –
Such a good product, very professionally grown. Barely any stems on the weed, busts up in the buster largely. Will buy again
Yvon Deland (verified owner) –
M Mouse –
Very tasty, nice weed!
buddy514 (verified owner) –
Very nice. Beautiful sweet flowers. The taste is fruity and the buzz is perfect for work and focus. I will order again!
Karmag (verified owner) –
I am so happy with this strain. Very tasty daytime weed with a long high. It burns well with a nice light ash. I hope this is in stock soon again.
Wpg420204 (verified owner) –
Loubard (verified owner) –
Nice taste, potent and burns clean
Small buds for me but im happy with my purchase
Loki89 –
Fitz –
Nice buds, nice taste, nice buzz
Skyone00 (verified owner) –
Gout de citron/fruit. Buzz asser direct ont le sent derriere les yeux apres un hit. Sativa for sure. Parfait pour le matin 😁 small buds.
JohnnyB420 (verified owner) –
Maui for sure.. idono about wowie tho. Its good, just not wowie good
Timberweed (verified owner) –
Its great!
SumGuy (verified owner) –
Very nice sativa, only reason I gave 4 stars is be because the smell and flavours are pretty different than described
John Hartlin (verified owner) –
Really like it…buds were small but that’s Coolio I can see why uts slightly pricey
Dog Mom (verified owner) –
Very yummy, buds were pretty much all pretty small
Jamie Nelson (verified owner) –
Order this regularly, always reliable!
Rebecca Henderson (verified owner) –
Very nice. Clear buzz.
Corey (verified owner) –
This is GREAT! Better than the QP of AAAA+ Craft Jokers Candy by far! Way to go BB! This one was well thought out, tried, tested, (tasted great too)😝, and true kick ass strain! Just as it describes 💯🤜🤛👍👍😍
Jax Wells (verified owner) –
comatose77 –
Love the bright orange hairs
hipooki –
always good
Loubard (verified owner) –
Wow good potence and taste
Stony 613 (verified owner) –
5 star batch this time. A year ago I did not like it as much
SmokinJ (verified owner) –
Not bad smoke. The durban poison is better though. Not much on the bag appeal side .
Taste 4
High 4
Smell 4
Bag appeal 3
lobsterman217 (verified owner) –
Buds were mostly popcorn size with pieces of stem mixed in. Buzz was good but taste was bad. Not AAAA- quality in my opinion.
west (verified owner) –
Really nice nose, on the sweeter side. beautiful bag appeal.
Andriel Walsh Ouellet (verified owner) –
one of my favorite strain
comatose77 –
needs a slight better trim but the bud itself is pretty good
Chocolateandice (verified owner) –
Awesome weed, was a bit dry and small nugs but great for Sativa
John Hartlin (verified owner) –
could use a better trim but can’t go wrong for price thanks BB
Genosha –
Good Price
Melo6kle –
Absolutely love this one
Andriel Walsh Ouellet (verified owner) –
awesome old strain
Jason B –
Good for edibles
Aro Man (verified owner) –
a failed batch (nov 8) in this not-so-wowie baggie… for edibles yeah if your into that, or I don’t know what else. sad.
Paul Alves (verified owner) –
last batch I bought a few weeks ago was a AAA .bag appeal wasn’t top notch but thats why its a trip but wow the buzz was so energetic and lasted hours with no crash. I’m renovating my house and that stuff helped me get s$%t done quick time. another solid purchase BB is my only shop period nobody beats them after 3-4 years of purchasing not one issue ever
just ordered the AAAA batch and can’t wait to get it in.
Thanks for everything BB!!!
Melo6kle –
j’aime cette sorte!
Victor mansilla (verified owner) –
yes I had the aaa batch and it was good. looking forward to reordering this one as a AAAA. can’t go wrong with this classic
Nern99 (verified owner) –
Good sativa! Taste good & it keeps me focused. Will definetly buy again!
Natural Healer (verified owner) –
Oct 2023 batch, I’m a huge Maui Wowie fan from way back. I was pleased with this batch and will try again.
Andriel Walsh Ouellet (verified owner) –
this batch is fire higly recommended sativa
HanSolo420 (verified owner) –
Very nice, smell good
Melo6kle (verified owner) –
i love this stuff!!!
M Mouse –
This batch is on my radar.. someone tell me how terpy it is..
Ryan Winchester (verified owner) –
well worth the money.clean burn nice flavour and good high.
jakethesnakeroberts –
RocknRoll (verified owner) –
…ya, bits of purple is an accurate description.
Always keep the Maui in the stash…AOK!
Stanley Cobblepot –
Amazing strain love it
Melo6kle (verified owner) –
one of my favorite
Andriel Walsh Ouellet (verified owner) –
perfect like everytime
Dog Mom (verified owner) –
March 2024 batch – AMAZING! Sad it’s gone!
happiness is weed and coffee –
Love this strain
Dog Mom (verified owner) –
May 2024 batch was quite decent
It seems like every batch is different than the last
Kush420 –
my favorite smoke. great buds
Kush420 –
nice buds 👍 👌
Kurt7825 (verified owner) –
Nice buds and smooth
Andriel Walsh Ouellet (verified owner) –
best sativa higly recommended
Melo6kle (verified owner) –
Pretty good strain
Kush420 –
TomShanks (verified owner) –
great bang for the buck with this one, first time ever trying Maui wowie and wasn’t disappointed
Hermoine Granger –
Excellent choice!
Fireign (verified owner) –
Very nice stuff, looks great, smokes great but the only thing I’d say about it was that it was almost too tight. Qp looked real small.
Bonbon Oliver –
très bonne sativa
StonedCrimeJunkie –
Amazing bud
Bonbon Oliver (verified owner) –
vraiment excellent produit
Bonbon Oliver (verified owner) –
Andriel Walsh Ouellet (verified owner) –
awesome like everytime
Bonbon Oliver (verified owner) –
excellent sativa
baked82 –
Awesome quality weed
smokysquid (verified owner) –
really good sized and beautiful buds and the buzz was very nice. the only con i have is that you can’t really tell this is maui wowie strain…. can’t really say how it smells but it really not have the awesome pineapple scent i usually had with this strain. will try it the next batch
Weedguy710420 –
keep up the good work with this one BB